"The government generally respected the human rights of its citizens; however, there were problems in some areas. Police and prison guards occasionally beat and abused detainees, and prison conditions remained poor. Lengthy pretrial and preventive detention remained a problem.
There were media reports that some members of the security forces committed human rights abuses. In 2005 the IGAI received 207 complaints of human rights abuses. The majority of complaints were against the PSP and the GNR (118 and 76, respectively). The complaints included physical abuse, threatening use of firearms, excessive use of force, illegal detention, and abuse of power. Each complaint is investigated by the IGAI, and punishment for officers found to have committed abuses ranges from temporary suspension to prison sentences." (Portugal, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2007 - Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, March 11, 2008)
E a propósito de tudo isto, sugiro a leitura deste texto, Medalha, de António Pedro Dores, onde o autor explica como é que ficou "a saber porque dizem alguns que isto não é um Estado de Direito e outros que a liberdade está em risco". Nesse contexto, António Pedro Dores remete para a leitura da rubrica Estamos Fartos de Mortes nas Prisões, nas páginas da ACED
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